Thursday, April 8, 2010

Background of knitting technology

Horizontal background of knitting technology:
·        1589 Þ William Lee Þ Inventor of the mechanical stitch formation technique.
·        1758 Þ Jedidiah struffÞ Double knit technique Derby rid m/c
·        1798 Þ Monsier Þ Arranges the needle radially into a corona. The circular knitting from is born.
·        1805 Þ Joseph Marie Þ In divisual movement of knitting and transfer needle, Sinker or guide needles for patterning.
·        1847 Þ Mathew thounsend Þ Latch needle, Result was simplification of mechanism.
·        1850 Þ Circular knitting m/c
·        1852 Þ Theod or Groz Þ Steel needle
·        1878 Þ Circular knitting m/c which can produce plain on Rid fabric tubes in easy desired distribution.
·        1910 Þ Interlock fabric  

·        1918 Þ Double cylinder, small circular knitting.
m/c with a double hook needle and cylinder.
Jacquard, Auto striper.


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